93 was duly carried. DIVIDEND Mr. E. Holland Hughes proposed that a Dividend of 5% free of tax be paid on the paid up Capital of the Company. This was seconded by Mr. W. Birch and duly carried. REMUNERATION OF Mr. C. H. Askham proposed that the AUDITORS remuneration of the Auditors for the ensuing year be the same as last year. This was seconded by Mr. B. S. Hackney and duly carried. ELECTION OF In the absence of any other nominations DIRECTORS. it was agreed UNANIMOUSLY that a single resolution be put to the meeting for the re-election of the three retiring Directors. The Chairman then proposed that the three retiring Directors, Messrs N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth & E. Holland Hughes be re-elected for a period of 3 years. This was seconded by Mr. W. Birch and duly carried. Mr. Holland Hughes, on behalf of himself and his colleagues thanked the Shareholders for their support. * The Chairman reviewed the workings of the past seasons workings and expressed confidence for the future. PLAYERS REPORT The Manager, Mr. J. Carey gave a report of the playing side, and said he was quietly confident that team building was progressing favourably. PITCH Mr. S. J. Hellen asked about the work on the pitch, and Mr. Sharp replied outlining the measures taken to relieve the problem of flooding. Mr. D. G. Stephenson asked for a few words from Mr. Moores, who spoke of his ideas for further improving the team. VOTE OF THANKS The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Directors proposed by Mr. W. H.