92 [Minutes of the Eighty first Annual General Meeting held at the Chamber of Commerce, Old Hall, St. Liverpool on Thursday June 23rd 1960.] Present :- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chairman) and Messrs J. C. Sharp (Vice - Chairman), R. E. Searle, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, J. Taylor, R. A. Joynson, E. Holland Hughes, Directors and 86 Shareholders together with the Secretary and Manager and Mr. G. H. Bowler, auditor. NOTICE The notice convening the meeting was read by the Secretary. PRESS. Members of the Press were admitted with the approval of the Meeting. MINUTES The minutes of the 80th Annual General Meeting having been circulated were taken as read, and were approved and signed as a correct record. SHAREHOLDERS Mr. P. L. Parry expressed disappointment that STAND the Directors had not agreed to meet a deputation to discuss ways and means of finding a satisfactory solution to the seats allocated to Shareholders, and Mr. T. B. Tickle thought the financial result of Season ticket sales did not come up to expectations. The Chairman explained that the Boys pen was to be moved further back to reduce the noise, and present indications on the sale of Season tickets (SEE OVER) * was much better than last year. ACCOUNTS & It was agreed that the Accounts and BALANCE SHEET Balance Sheet, together with the Directors Report & REPORTS and the Report of the Auditors thereon having been circulated be taken as read. Mr. F. Micklesfield then proposed that the Balance Sheet and Reports be adopted and this was seconded by Mr. W. N. Sawyer. After question by Messrs J. N. Hinton, W. C. Macauley and T. B. Tickle had been answered the proposition