91 a reduction. It was agreed that Mr. Carey explore the possibility of an exchange for Monisey with Liverpool. MAILEY W. It was agreed that this amateur player be signed as a professional on Monday. LILL M. A request was considered to install a 59 water softener for this player, which he had purchased, and it was agreed that Mr. Searle should report back on this matter. FLAG POLES It was agreed to ask the Fire Service to inspect the Flagpoles to ascertain if they were in dangerous condition. SOIL. It was agreed to get rid of the surplus soil as cheaply as possible. FOOTBALL LEAGUE It was agreed to enter for the CUP. 71 Football League Cup Competition next season. BOOTLE STADIUM It was reported that arrangements had been completed to play our first six Central League games at Bootle Stadium. There would be no charge for the Saturdays, but a total charge of £11.0.0 would be made for the 2 Mondays. Four of the Six Clubs concerned had agreed to the arrangement. NEXT MEETING Friday June 24th at 12 NOON. Confirmed as correct F. Micklesfield Chairman