89 SCOUTING {/4} The Committee having made the following Recommendation:— We feel the Board should itself discuss whether we need to retain Mr. Cook as Chief Scout. If we do, then we recommend that his car allowance be revised as from the end of the month. The scale we recommend is: first 5,000 miles 8d. per mile next 5,000 " 4d. " over 10,000 " 3d. " By 10,000 miles at the above rates, the overheads should have been recovered, and the only further expenses will be petrol and oil, which should be more than covered by 3d. per mile. RESOLVED that Mr. Cook's position should be re-considered in the very near future but in the meantime the new car allowance scale be adopted after the present arrangement with Cook expires at the end of June. DIRECTORS' EXPENSES ETC. RESOLVED on the proposition of the Chairman the abolition of the following:— 1. Christmas Hampers 2. Expenses for attending Directors' Meetings 3. Expenses for attending Home Matches BAR RESOLVED on the proposition of the Chairman that the Bar be kept closed at half—time during first team Home Matches and opened for half an hour after full time. RESOLVED that the Chairman advise Mr. Carey of the Directors' Resolution concerning Team Management and Training and that the Chairman and Mr. John Moores advise the Secretary and Mr. Carey and any others they think fit concerning the changes resolved upon by this Meeting. F. Micklesfield CHAIRMAN