
		Mr. Moores' offer to put at the Board's disposal the services
		of one of his Companies to assist in the advertisement side
		of the programme was also accepted with thanks.

		The Secretary was to make enquiries as to how cheaply the
		rents of the Club houses could be collected and the properties
		managed, bearing in mind that the rents of houses occupied by
		players and staff could be paid weekly to the Secretary at his
		office by the tenants concerned,

			The Committee having made the following Recommendation:—

			Mr. Carey to be informed that the Directors are
			disappointed with results so far and expect him
			to devote his whole time and attention to the
			players. For the time being they accept what
			he says regarding his trainers and coach, and
			in this respect recommend no change. He does
			not require a Secretary and Mrs. Daniels should
			be transferred to the office staff proper, but
			in so far as any of his correspondence required
			to be dealt with, Mrs. Daniels can assist him
			in this.

		RESOLVED that this Recommendation be accepted and implemented.


		The Committee having made the following Recommendation :—

			Players should only be provided with a free
			lunch during the playing season on Tuesdays,
			Thursdays and Saturdays. On Tuesdays and
			Thursdays they train in the afternoons and on
			Saturdays if no lunch is provided a claim might
			be made for loss of time. No one else to be
			provided with free lunches. Mr. Carey and
			Mr. Dickinson agree. The idea of employing
			City Caterers or some such alternative was
			considered but rejected on the ground that
			really fresh cooked meals are much to be
			preferred. It is accordingly recommended that
			a part time cook be employed in substitution
			for the present arrangements, and that
			Miss Littlewood be invited to apply for the

			Our present catering arrangements cost £2,200.
			per annum, with the arrangements we suggest
			will save us £1,000. per annum.

		RESOLVED that this Recommendation be accepted and implemented.


		The Committee having made the following Recommendation:-
			No change.
		RESOLVED that this Recommendation be accepted and implemented.