87 [MINUTES of EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF DIRECTORS Held at Goodison Park on Friday 3rd June 1960] Present: The Chairman and all other Directors except Mr. Balmforth, who begged to be excused on account of a prior engagement in Wallasey. The Secretary and Manager were not present at the express wish of the Board. The Chairman of the Economy Committee submitted a Report of the Committee's Findings, their Conclusions and their Recommendations. RESOLVED that the Committee's Findings and Conclusions be treated as confidential and not minuted. OFFICE STAFF The Economy Committee having made the following Recommendation:— Mr. Busby's engagement should be terminated on the payment of appropriate compensation, or our finding him another job. Mrs. Daniels position as Secretary to Mr. Carey terminated and she should be transferred to the office staff proper, but she should continue to discharge with Mr. Dickinson the functions she at present discharges. The programme should be the responsibility of Mr. Dickinson unless some more satisfactory arrangement can be made not involving any material additional expenditure. The rents should be collected by an outside firm. These changes should produce a saving of at least £500. a year. RESOLVED that this Recommendation be accepted and implemented. Mr. Busby to be informed that an endeavour would be made to find him alternative employment elsewhere but if this proved unsuccessful, he would be paid six months' salary by way of compensation. Mr. Joynson's offer to undertake responsibility for the Editorial side of the programme was accepted with thanks. 1.