[MINUTES OF FINANCE MEETING HELD AT 47 CASTLE STREET, LIVERPOOL FRIDAY, 20TH MAY 1960] Present:— Mr. E. Holland Hughes (Chairman) and Messrs. N. W. Coffey and R. A. Joynson, together with the Secretary. Miss F. Buchanan The position of Miss Buchanan was reviewed and in view of the fact that it appeared doubtful that she would be able to resume work it was agreed to send her a cheque value £25 and to terminate her employment forthwith, as her position could not be left open indefinitely. Mr. F. Bennett It was agreed that the amount to be paid to this employee henceforth should be equivalent to half his wages, less National Insurance Pay, and the matter to be reviewed again in the near future. Dividend It was agreed to recommend that the payment of a 5% Dividend free of tax be made. Sick Pay It was agreed to recommend that in future cases of absence through sickness, employees, other than the Secretary, to receive full pay for one month and half pay for a further month after which each individual case will be reviewed. These payments to be less National Insurance sick pay. F. Micklesfield Chairman.