
		regarding Sunday Football.

BOYS PEN		It was agreed to move the Boys Pen
		fund under cover, leaving the front of the
		Terrace for adult spectators.

LOUDSPEAKER		It was agreed to have our Loudspeaker
EQUIPMENT	amplifiers fitted with new motors to enable
		long playing records to be played.

SHAREHOLDERS ASS.	It was agreed to notify the Secretary
	73.	of the Shareholders Assn. that their request to
		include "Shareholders seating accommodation" on the
		agenda at the A. G. M. was not in conformity
		with the requirements of Company Law.

MR. T. V. WILLIAMS	It was agreed to support the
		candidature of Mr. T. V. Williams as the
		representative of Division III on the Council
		of the Football Association.

KING GEORGE v		Appeals on behalf of the Litherland Boys
JUBILEE FUND	Club and the King George V Memorial Fund
LITHERLAND BOYS CLUB were considered and turned down.

INDEMNITY		It was agreed to issue a new share
		certificate to the Exors. of E. M. Houghton against
		an indemnity.

EXPRESS NEWS SERVICES	It was agreed to authorise Express News
		Services to produce a Club Handbook for next
HANDBOOK	Season, at no cost, and to supply us with
		4000 free copies.

NEXT MEETING		Friday 3rd June at 5 p.m.

					Confirmed as correct.

						   F. Micklesfield