78 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Monday 2nd May 1960] Present :- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. J. Moores who tendered his apologies and Mr. J. Taylor absent on Club business. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Apl. 25th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Littlewoods Stores 5000. 0.0 Sale 1, Lunesdale Ave. 1232.10.0 Gate v Liverpool 4435. 7.9 Gate v P. N. E. Res. 39. 1.0 Cheques were signed for:- Directors Expenses 123. 1.0 Wages 934. 7.8 British Railways - Fares 71.10.0 Bank Balance £33,023.7.4 Dr. Tour It was reported that the proposed Tour had 76. fallen through. Cup Final A letter was read from the chief constable Replay intimating that 72,000 was a safe limit in the 76. opinion of the Police, and that the question of a maximum figure was the responsibility of the Club. It was agreed to print 75,000 tickets for the match. RATING APPEAL It was reported that a decision had been 35 given in favour of Plymouth Argyle in their appeal, and it was agreed to get a copy of the transcript, if Mr. Hughes thought the cost reasonable and to ask Liverpool F. C. to share the cost. PLAYERS INSCE. It was reported that the premium to insce. 9 Players against Permanent total disablement would be £1581 p. a. and for all the players it would be £1921 p. a. It was agreed that the cost