work. It was agreed that Contract be signed
with the proviso that the figure of £4000.0.0
should not be exceeded without our written consent.
Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game
v Leeds Utd. and of the 2nd Team game v Burnley
Res., and of the players on the injured list.
F. A.
COACHING COURSE It was agreed to send 4 of our youth
to the F. A. Coaching Course at Lilleshall at a
cost of £16.0.0.
R. COLLINS It was agreed to permit R. Collins to
go on a private Tour to South Africa if he was
fully insured for £25,000.0.0 for permanent total
disablement and £12.0.0 per week for temporary
A. PARKER The purchase of the Bungalow for A. Parker
72. was approved with, if possible, modifications to
the specification.
RETAIN & TRANSFER It was agreed that Shackleton be placed
LIST on the transfer list, and the final list was
74 approved.
4% LEVY It was agreed to submit a resolution to
66. the Football League proposing that the 4% Levy
be abolished.
F. A. RULES The proposed alterations to F. A. Rules and
Regulations were reported on and it was agreed
to propose an amendment deleting the word
Sundays in lieu 2 of the proposed new Rules No. 19.
TRANSFER OF SHARES The following were approved:-
SHARES No 2474 To 2476 from E. B. Harrop to H. W. Francomb.
DIRECTORS AWAY To Manchester:- Messrs F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp,
R. E. Searle, C. E. Balmforth, R. A. Joynson & E. Holland Hughes.
To Sheffield:- Mr. J. Taylor.
NEXT MEETING Monday May 2nd at 5 p.m.
Confirmed as correct
F. Micklesfield