
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Monday 25th April 1960.]

			Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chair) and all
		other Directors except Mr. J. Moores who tendered his
		apologies. Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Apl. 20th were read
		and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Blackpool F. C. %			457.19.1
		Leicester City F. C. %			394.12.9
		W. D. & H. O. Will			110. 0.0
		Gate v Leeds Utd.		       4692.11.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Leeds Utd. F. C.			655.11.1
		Police					105. 5.0
		British Rlwys. Fares			  9. 9.0
		Wages					914.13.4
			Bank Balance £39,698.4.5. Dr.

Cup Final		It was agreed that the Secretary should make
Replay		an application to the Chief Constable for a crowd limit
	74	of 78,000 for the Cup Final replay.

Tour			It was reported that the opening match
   	74	would almost certainly be against Aachen on May
		12th and 2 games in Russia had been suggested.
		It was agreed that Mr. Carey should ring Mr.
		Friedrick and tell him that we expected full details
		on Thursday at the latest.

Blazers.		It was reported that the order for the
	68	Blazers could not be postponed and the players
		were purchasing wired badges themselves.

Littlewoods		Mr. Hughes reported that he had received a
Stores  74	cheque for £5,000.0.0 from Littlewoods Stores.

EN-TOUT-CAS.		It was reported that En-Tout-Cas could
		not agree to a £4,000.0.0 limit for the ground