74 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Wednesday Apl. 20th 1960.] Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chair) and all other Directors, Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Apl. 11th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were:- Gate v Blackpool 8401.19.6 " v Leeds Res. 55.13.3 " v Huddersfield Res. 43.18.9 Cheques were signed for:- Wages 916.15.7 Cash Disbursements 80.16.6 Bank Balance £43,418.18.9 Dr. LITTLEWOODS The agreement for the installation of two 45 STORES. minute clocks for advertising Littlewoods Stores was 69. approved and it was agreed that this be signed & sealed. The Chairman thanked Mr. Moores for his generosity in this connection. REPORTS. Reports were given of all the Easter Matches and of the players on the injured list. TOUR Mr. Carey read a letter from Mr. Friedrich 70. reporting that nothing definite was yet agreed, and it was agreed that Mr. Carey should arrange to phone him on Monday for definite information. It was agreed, if possible to hold back the order for the Blazers. RETAIN & The suggested list was discussed, and was TRANSFER LIST approved as amended, with the exception of Shackleton, 70. on whom a decision was deferred. A. G. M. It was agreed to hold the A. G. M. on Thursday June 23rd, and to support the re-election of the retiring Directors, who expressed their thanks to their colleagues for their support. CUP-FINAL It was reported that the Chief Constable REPLAY. 73.