73 allocated 6 Box tickets with 2 extra for the Chairman, and 8 Complimentary tickets. Liverpool F. C. to be allocated 40 Box Tickets and the Liverpool County F. A. 20 Box Tickets. CUP-FINAL REPLAY It was agreed that each Director 70. be allocated 80 Seats and 60 ground and Paddock Tickets. SHAREHOLDERS ASSN. A letter was considered asking the 59. Board to meet a deputation to discuss the Shareholders seats. It was agreed that the letter be tabled. B. B. C. It was agreed to give the B. B. C. 69. facilities to give a report of our Match on April 23rd after the Match from the ground. LANCS. F. A. It was agreed to nominate Mr. H. 72. Latham of Liverpool F. C. for election to the Council of the Lancashire F. A. W. D. & H. O. WILLS It was agreed to accept a 3 year offer 62. to play an advertising record at Half-time for a fee based on 5/- per 1000 spectators at all 1st Team games & similar. OLYMPIC GAMES An appeal for a donation towards the cost of sending a British Team to Rome was considered and turned down. DIRECTORS AWAY. To Leicester:- Messrs F. Micklesfield, R. E. Searle, C. E. Balmforth, R. A. Joynson & E. Holland Hughes. To Blackpool:- All except Messrs N. W. Coffey & J. Taylor. To Huddersfield Res.:- Mr. J. Taylor. NEXT MEETING Wed. April 20th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. F. Micklesfield CHAIRMAN.