71 necessary in the F. A. Cup Final this would be played at Goodison Park on Thursday May 12th K. O. 7. p.m. FOOTBALL LEAGUE CUP The suggestions of the Football League for inauguration of a League Cup Competition were considered and it was agreed to advise than that we were not in favour of the suggestions. GROUND RENOVATIONS It was agreed that the Contract for 69. the work to be done should, if possible, specify the following points:- Maximum liability suggested of £3,500.0.0 an exact specification of the work to be done. Maximum soil depth of 4" Clarification of the number of days the Senior Surveyor would have to be paid for. TRANSFER OF SHARES The following were approved:- SHARES NOD. 1, 2 & 3 FROM G. H. Garner to games Harold Games. SHARES NOD. 1016 To 1018 FROM EXOR OF F. G. SHEPHERD To GEORGE CLIFTON SHEPHERD. DIRECTOR AWAY. To Bury:- Mr. Coffey To Wales & Ireland:- Mr. Micklesfield. NEXT MEETING Monday Apl. 11th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct F. Micklesfield Chairman.