70 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Monday 4th April 1960.] Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. Hughes who tendered his apologies. Manager & Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of March 28th were read and confirmed. FINANCE Receipts reported were:- Gate v Army 833.14.3 Gate v Barnsley Res. 51. 0.6 A cheque was signed for:- Jack Husband Testimonial Fund 10.10.0 Bank Balance £52,373.10.11 Dr. ARMY. F. A. It was reported that the net gate from the 62. Army game was £651.15.3 and it was agreed to pay the Army F. A. £350.0.0. PRE-SEASON It was agreed to try to arrange for 2 games TOUR in Holland for expenses only, and for a return game against one Club at Goodison Park next Autumn to come without charge. REPORTS Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Birmingham and of the 2nd Team game v Barnsley Res. LIVERPOOL It was reported that the Semi-final SENIOR CUP. v Liverpool had been arranged for Apl. 27th at Goodison Park. TOUR Mr. Carey reported that the opening game 69. would be played on may 10th and the 2nd on May 12th other details would be available shortly. RETAIN LIST A discussion took place on the Retain and Transfer List, and it was agreed to have a special meeting to discuss this fully on Wed. Apl. 20th at 5 p.m. REPORT OF Mr. Micklesfield gave a report of the F. L. MTG. Football League Meeting recently held in London. 37 CUP-FINAL It was reported that if a replay was REPLAY.