			   MONDAY, 28TH MARCH 1960]

	    Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) and Mr. C. E. Balmforth,
		      Mr. J. Taylor was absent, and tendered his

		The Committee having examined the proposed contract
	between En Tout Cas Co. Ltd., and the Everton Football Club,
	make the following recommendations.

	1.   The Committee consider the wording of the Contract is in
	     keeping with the general principles agreed upon during
	     consultations with the En Tout Cas Co. and Mr. Prior
	     of Suttons, but is of the opinion that before the work
	     commences on May 2nd that full details of the exact
	     procedure to be adopted should be in the Club's possession,
	     further it is recommended that the proposed Contract be
	     passed to the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Mr.
	     Holland Hughes, for his considered opinion as to the legal
	     and financial aspect.

	2.   Notwithstanding the fact that the proposed Contract is
	     prepared upon a cost plus basis the Committee feel that
	     the inclusion of a maximum figure of £4000 as originally
	     estimated should, if practicable, be embodied in the

	3.   That receipt of the Contract be acknowledged and the En
	     Tout Cas Co. be informed that while appreciating the
	     urgency of finalising the matter, the Board need time
	     to examine the details
	     but it is fully expected that acceptance as the Contract
	     stands, or any other suggested amendments will be in
	     their hands early next week.

					  F. Micklesfield