
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Monday March 21st 1960]

			Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chairman) and
		all other Directors.
			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of meetings of March 14th and
		March 17th were read and confirmed.

VACANCY			On a proposition by Mr. Micklesfield.
	65.	seconded by Mr. Searle it was unanimously resolved
MR. JOHN MOORES. that Mr. John Moores be appointed a Director of the
	65	Club to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
		of Mr. Askham, Mr. Moores was then invited to
		take his seat at the table and was warmly
		welcomed by the Chairman, to which Mr. Moores
		suitably responded.

PROPERTY		It was reported that attention had been
	64	drawn to faulty wiring at 78 Mostyn Ave., which
		had been sold, and it was agreed pay for the
		cost of repairs up to a maximum of £10.0.0.

FINANCE			Receipts reported were:-
		Mr. John Moores. Balce. of Loan		30,000.0.0
		Football League 4% Refund		 1,395.3.8
			A cheque was signed for:-
		Wages					   858.1.4
			Bank Balance £52,817.7.5 Dr.

REPORT OF		The report of recommendations as presented
FINANCE COMM.	by Mr. Hughes was approved.(Copy annexed).

F. L. 4% LEVY		It was reported that the 4% Levy had
	50	been cancelled for the year ended 31st Jan. 1960 and
		a refund made for payments during that period.

REPORTS			Reports were given of the 1st Team game v
		W. B. A. and of the 2nd Team game v Stoke City Res.,
		and of the players on the injured list.

SHAMROCK ROVERS.	An invitation was considered to play in