62 ARMY F. A. It was reported that the Army game had 59. been arranged for March 28th and the game v STOKE CITY Stoke City Res. for March 21st., both at Goodison Park. It was agreed to co-opt Mr. Joynson to the Maintenance Committee. W. D. & H. O WILLS A letter was considered from Messrs W. D. & H. O. 45. Wills asking for a 3 year contract for recorded advertising. It was agreed to ask for £400.0.0 p. a. for this concession. MR. ASKHAM It was agreed to honour any commitments 60. Mr. Askham may have made until the end of the season. SCOTLAND v It was agreed that each Director be ENGLAND. allocated 2 seats. 4 @ 4/6 and 15 @ 3/6. TRANSFER OF The following was approved:- SHARES SHARES NOD. 641 FROM Exors J. C. Bryson to John Moores. REPORT OF Mr. Sharp reported that En-Tout-Cas had GROUND COMM. recommended that the pitch be completely relaid. It was agreed to leave this over until a report had been obtained from Mr. Prior. NEXT MEETING Monday March 14th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct F. Micklesfield Chairman.