56 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Monday 15th Feb. 1960.] Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. E. Holland Hughes who tendered his apologies and Mr. C. H. Askham who was absent on Club business along with the Manager. Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 8th were read and confirmed. FINANCE RECEIPTS REPORTED WERE:- Glasgow Celtic F. C. % 1824.3. 8 Sheffield Wed F. C. % 558.0. 0 Gate v Wolves 6572.0. 0 Cheques were signed for:- Comms. Inland Revenue P. A. Y. E. 557.12.0 Wolverhampton Wanderers F. C. % 898.16.6 Police 122. 1.0 Wages 851.11.8 Blackburn Rovers F. C. Re Vernon 27,500. 0.0 Bank Balance £54,443.19.11 Dr. Reports A report was given of the 2nd Team game v M/c City Res. LANCS. LEAGUE It was reported that games had been 53. arranged with M/c Utd. on Feb. 22nd at old Trafford and March 7th at Goodison Park for the League decides, the Lancashire League to take 20% of gates. ARMY. F. A. It was noted that the game v the ARMY was to be played at Goodison Park on March 2nd. VERNON It was reported that Vernon had been 54 signed from Blackburn Rovers and Thomas had THOMAS. signed for Blackburn. The fee to be paid to Blackburn was £27,500.0.0. It was agreed to apply for permission to pay Thomas around share of benefit amounting to £670.0.0 plus £300.0.0.