-2- It must be pointed out that the other three wings are in bad condition even though on average a similar amount of play occurs on each wing. From the above the Committee have arrived at the following conclusions:- (a) There seems no doubt that it was established that the soil was poor originally, but since its fertilisation last year as per the formula given by Sutton Royal Seed Establishment, the grass has grown strongly and has maintained this growth throughout the season. It would therefore appear that the soil has improved. (b) The basic reason for the turf remaining in good condition would appear to be good drainage. To sum up, a great deal of work has been put in on the ground and has had one benefit inasmuch it would appear to be certain that unless this had been done the ground would have become unplayable with the abnormal rainfall. Partial drainage has been obtained but it is not possible to say as to whether this would be a permanent cure, again the soil would now seem to be live in view of its grass growing propensities and it would appear to be of a consistency which would not turn to sticky mud, but observation of the pitch's behaviour for the rest of the season would be necessary to form any conclusions to its suitability. Having given the above facts the Committee place before the Board for their consideration the following alternatives:- (1) To continue until the end of the season using the method employed at present to improve the drainage, if necessary, to engage more labour to speed the job up. At the end of the season to follow out the renovation and seeding of the ground as per the specification laid down by Suttons Royal Seed Establishment and followed out last year. An approximate assessment of cost of the whole operation would be £1,500. (2) Further polythene covers could be obtained to cover the whole or part of the ground if it were considered a suitable method of laying, removal and securing had been arrived at, which the Committee consider very probable. Cost for covering the whole ground approximately £675 other portions pro rata. This is an extra to either scheme. (3) To completely re-lay the whole ground using fresh soil. This would be a major operation and it is suggested that the firm most fitted to undertake it are En-Tout-Cas. Their quotation at the time the ground was re-laid previously was £10,656 for tipping topsoil with small dumpers, and for tipping by wheelbarrow an increase of £882/-/-. In view of the anxiety and doubts caused by the condition of the pitch this season the Committee make the following recommendation. "That the En-Tout-Cas Company be engaged at once initially to give advice as to the best method of putting the ground in first class condition. With the understanding that whatever work is required should be done by them".