
VERNON R.		It was reported that terms had been agreed
(BLACKBURN. R.)	with Blackburn Rovers for the transfer of this
	45.	player, but he was not prepared to join Everton.

WILLIAMS R. H.		Mr. Carey reported that he had made
(PLYMOUTH)	enquiries as to the prospects of securing the
HALLIWELL O. R.	transfer of these two players.

BURNLEY RES.		It was agreed to arrange this postponed
		Central League Match for Jan. 30th at Goodison

PROPERTY		An offer of £2000.0.0 for 78 Mostyn Ave.
      39.	was considered and it was agreed to leave the
		matter open to try and get a higher offer.

DIRECTORS AWAY.		To Fulham:- Messrs F. Micklesfield,
		R. E. Searle, C. E. Balmforth & E. Holland Hughes.

NEXT MEETING		Tuesday Jan. 19th at 5 p.m.

					Confirmed as correct

					   F. Micklesfield
