
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday Jan. 12th 1960.]

			Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chair) and
		all other Directors except Mr. Askham who
		tendered his apologies.

			Manager & Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 5th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance.		Receipt reported was:-
		W. H. Cooke re Loan			140. 0.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		F. Bernett Xcs.				 50.17.0
		C. McGuiness Xcs.			  2.13.4
		D. Byrne Xcs.				  2. 1.0
		Comms. Inland Rev. P. A. Y. E.		 773.4.0
		Wages					 798.1.9
		Cash Disbursements			 139.0.6
			Bank Balance £9928.6.3 Dr.

Reports 		A report was given of the 1st Team game
		v Bradford City and a general discussion took
		place on the causes of our poor display, and
		possible remedies. It was agreed that consideration
		be given in the future to a change of Captaincy.

ASHWORTH A.		It was reported that Ashworth was
	44.	to have an operation in the near future.

BILLINGTON S.		It was reported that Wrexham F. C.
WESTON		had enquired about the possibility of a transfer
(WREXHAM)	of Billington, and Westons name was mentioned
		as a possibility in exchange, and the matter
		was left to Mr. Carey.

FRIENDLY MATCH		Possible games were mentioned to fill the
		open date on or near Jan. 30th Wiener F. C., VIENNA,
		Bristol City & Glasgow Celtic. Glasgow Celtic
		was favoured if this could be arranged.