45 PROBATIONARY Mr. Carey reported the receipt of various PROFESSIONALS. proposals for amendments to the original scheme. 7. It was agreed to support the original proposals. SETTERS. It was reported that Setters had W. B. A. referred to sign for Everton, although we were 44 given first refusal, and it was agreed to abandon all interest in him. D. M. KENDALL. Mr. Askham asked for details of the events leading to the disclosure of news of our bid for Setters being given direct to the Press Association instead of to their local agent, Mr. D. M. Kendall, which had been suggested by Mr. Hughes. It was explained that this had been done purely inadvertently, and the Chairman declared that any decision should be postponed until Mr. Hughes was present. Mr. Askham protested against the suppression of a discussion and Mr. Searle protested against any discussion taking place in the absence of Mr. Hughes. A letter was read from Mr. Kendall explaining his position and it was agreed that this be acknowledged. AULD. Mr. Carey reported that he had seen Auld (CELTIC) play on Friday and he thought he was a 42 useful player, but he was not available yet. VERNON. R. Mr. Carey reported that Vernon may (BLACKBURN R.) become available at a fee in the region of £35000.0.0 and he was given powers to negotiate. WILLS W. D. & H. O. It was reported that W. D. & H. O. Wills were 42 to pay £110.0.0 for the remainder of the season for recorded advertisement rights. WALTON TENANTS Appeals from the Walton Tenants Assn. ASSN. and from the Warrawong United Soccer Club WARRAWONG SOCCER were turned down. CLUB.