42 AULD It was agreed that Mr. Carey be given powers 38 to negotiate for the transfer of Auld up to (CELTIC) £20000.0.0 if he was available. WILLS W. D. & H. O. It was agreed to accept an offer from W. D & H. O. Wills to play an advertising record at each match at a fee to be agreed in the region of £100.0.0 for the remainder of the season. ACCRINGTON ST. A further letter was considered from 39. Accrington Stanley F. C. and it was agreed that no amendment be made to our previous decision not to reduce the balance outstanding, and to advise them that the full balance would be payable forthwith if no payment on account was made before the end of December. F. BENNETT A letter was read from Rutherfords, the Solicitors acting on behalf of our Scout. Mr. F. Bennett who was injured in a car accident on Nov. 21st 1958, asking for certain information to enable them to assess his claim. It was agreed to inform them that but for his accident he would have been employed only on a part-time basis, and that Mr. Hughes should draft a suitable reply to them. FORCES WAGES. It was agreed to support a proposal to increase the Match Fee for Forces Players. ST. LOYES COLLEGE Appeals for donations from these two WIDNES REFEREES SOC. organisations were turned down. It was reported that up to date 7 Clubs F. L. 4% LEVY supported our protest to the Football League and 9 were 37 VISITORS 20% against. A Copy of a letter to the Football League from Liverpool F. C. suggesting that consideration be given to abolishing the 20% share to visitors was read. It was agreed to support this whole heartedly. BARNSLEY F. C. It was agreed to play the postponed Central