39 1600 tickets @ 6/- for private distribution. Shareholders & Season Ticket Holders to pay at the turnstiles and occupy their own seats. WORLD REFUGEE Home of the Directors were able to YEAR accept an invitation to serve on a Sporting 35. Sub-Committee, and a request for a collection to be taken inside the ground was not granted. ITALIAN WEEK A letter was read from the Football 33. League intimating that they could not agree to a cup being presented to the winners of our Match v Newcastle Utd. NEWCASTLE UTD. It was agreed to re-arrange this fixture from Grand National Day to Friday March 25th K. O. 7 p.m. BRITISH DEAF AMATEUR A letter of thanks was read from SPORTS ASSN. this Association for our Donation. 32 PROPERTY It was noted that Hickson was due 28 to vacate 78 Mostyn Ave. during the week, and it was agreed to dispose of this house through Sykes, Waterhouse & Co. at a price in the region of £2,200.0.0. ACCRINGTON STANLEY A letter was read from Accrington Stanley F. C. asking for a reduction in the balance Of £500.0.0 still owing for the transfer of Keeley. It Was agreed that no reduction could be made, but that payment be deferred till the end of January providing a token payment was made before the end of December. PRESS A proposition by Mr. Searle and seconded 4 by Mr. Joynson, that the Press should not be allowed to travel with the Team was put to the Meeting and not carried. Messrs R. E. Searle, C. H. Askham & R. A. Joynson supported the proposition and Messrs J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth & J. Taylor voted against.