35 SCHOOL BOYS It was agreed that in future the 7. tickets issued for Schoolboys for Central League games should be valid for the Boys Pen due to misbehaviour by the boys in the Paddock. SOIL WARMING A letter was read from the Football League rejecting our request for permission to change the cost of electricity used as a match expense. WRENS NEST A request for a donation towards the BOWLING CLUB. cost of a memorial to the late Duncan Edwards at St. Francis Church was not acceded to. RATING APPEAL. A letter was read from Mr. Isaac Dixon and it was agreed to ask him to defer our appeals until the Plymouth case had been heard and determined. WORLD REFUGEE YEAR A letter was read from the Football Association expressing their approval for collections to be taken in aid of this appeal. DIRECTORS AWAY To Preston:- Messrs F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp, R. E. Searle & E. Holland Hughes. NEXT MEETING Tuesday Dec. 15th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. F. Micklesfield Chairman.