27 ALLEN (F. B.) Mr. Carey reported that he had reason (STOKE CITY) to believe that Stoke City may be prepared to part with Allen at a fee of £25,000.0.0 to £30,000.0.0. It was agreed to leave this in abeyance for the moment. PROPERTY A report was considered from Mr. Clingan 23. on 16 Alt. Ave. Maghull. It was agreed to leave this in the hands of the Chairman of the Finance and Maintenance Committee, with a suggestion that by arrangement with Liverpool F. C., Hickson's house may be made available quickly for Shackleton. F. L. MEETING It was agreed to ask the Football League to include the following item on the Agenda for the meeting to be held on Dec. 8th. "That in future all International Matches be played in mid-week." FLOODLIGHT TOWERS A letter was read from the Football League intimating that the Inland Revenue had agreed that the cost of Towers and foundations for Floodlighting would be admitted for Capital allowances. BANK OVERDRAFT. A letter was read from the Midland Bank 21. confirming the terms of our overdraft facilities as follows:- up to £100,000.0.0 to be reduced to £75,000.0.0 within six months. CENTRAL LEAGUE It was agreed to notify the Central League that we were not in favour of their fixtures being used for Pool Betting abroad. Mr. J. Taylor & R. A. Joynson. DIRECTORS AWAY To Ramsgate:-Messrs J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth NEXT MEETING Tuesday Nov. 17th at 5 p.m. Confirmed as correct. F. Micklesfield CHAIRMAN.