
		transfer of E. Moore to Chesterfield at a
		fee of £1050.0.0, Five hundred pounds to
		be paid immediately and the Balance before
		March 15th. It was agreed that our solicitor
		be asked to serve him formality with notice
		to quit the house.
			It was reported that Griffiths was
		to continue playing, following the
		manipulation he had had.

Special Training	The Board did not think it would
		be wise to accede to Mr. Buchan's request
		for a week of special training at Buxton
		for the players, but that extra golf days
		could be arranged locally.

F. A. Cup-Replay	It was noted that West Ham had
	    21	suggested the replay for Thursday Jan. 31st.
		It was agreed that the Secretary ascertain
		if Wednesday would be more advantageous
		and to fix the K. O. for 2.15 p.m.

Conference of Clubs	It was agreed that the Chairman
		and Secretary should attend the Conference
		in London on March 4th, and that the
		Secretary should get out some figures on
		the payment of compensation from the
		Cup Pool.

Tenancy			The recommendation of the Estate
		Committee to allow Mr. Fraser of 207, Walton
		Lane to exchange tenancies with a
		corporation tenant was approved, subject
		to the new tenant proving satisfactory
		in all respects.

205 Walton		It was reported that Mr. J.
Lane		Coppard had undertaken to have the house
	19	vacated by Sub-tenants by today.