16 a pulled muscle and would not be fit to play for two weeks. It was reported that B. Harris, D. Temple & G. Williams were due for call up shortly and E. Thomas, G. Kirby and B. Capper would be demobbed soon. Scott It was reported that Mr. Buchan B. was impressed with Scott, a trialist. E. Moore A request from E. Moore to be placed on the transfer list was considered and it was agreed that this request be granted. Tour It was agreed that enquiries be made to ascertain if a tour of 14-16 days duration would be arranged during the close season. F. A. Cup The following prices were agreed for our Cup-tie v Blackburn Rovers on Jan. 5th members, shareholders v Centre of Goodison Road 7/6. North End v South End of Bullens Road and the ends of the Goodison Road Stand 6/-, reserved and ticketed. The two Goal Stands 5/-, Cash at turnstiles, Paddock 3/6 and ground 2/- Cash at turnstiles. Travel It was agreed that the Official Party travel 3rd class, by Rail to away matches in future when travelling by train. Rateable Values It was agreed that the Directors be circulated with a list of the Gross & Net Rateable values of the properties together with the rents charged. Director Away To Burnsley:- Mr. J. Taylor. Next Meeting Tuesday Dec. 18th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct CHAIRMAN.