11 and of the Eire v Germany game. Mr. Woods It was reported that Woods had 5 been transferred to Blackburn Rovers at a fee of £5,250.0.0, half to be paid immediately and the balance before the end of April. It was agreed to apply for permission to pay him amend share of Benefit amounting to £300.0.0. F. A. Youth Cup It was reported that the tie at 8 Middlesbrough was to be played Dec. 8th K.O. 2.15 p.m. Lancs. Senior Cup It was reported that the replay with 8 Manchester City would be played at Goodison Park on Dec. 5th K.O. 2p.m. Cup Tie Tickets The suggested allocation of Cup tie 2 tickets in the event of a home draw was approved. 205 Walton Lane It was reported that police observations 10 of this house had not revealed any hint of immoral use. Match Bonus It was agreed to support the proposal of the League Management Committee to increase the Bonus to £3.0.0 for a win and £1.10.0 for a draw. Touring Teams It was agreed that we were not interested in offers from South American Teams on Tour to play at Goodison Park, as the teams required were unsatisfactory. R. Birtley It was reported that the Football 5 League had made a grant of £25.0.0 to R. Birtley. It was agreed that this be sent to him at the rate of £2.0.0 per week and £5.0.0 in Xmas Week, and that the payment of £1.0.0 per week from the Club should now cease. C. H. Askham A letter was read from Mr. C. H.