10 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday Nov. 27th 1956.] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors. Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 20th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Newcastle Utd. F. C. % 466.14.7 Gate v Sheffield Wed. 3448. 4.6 Cheques were signed for:- Customs v Excise 650. 4.2 Football League 104.9.11 Sheffield Wed. F. C. 481.6.9 Police 82.14.4 E. Thomas, Benefit less Tax 249. 1.3 C. J. Vizard -do- 197.8.6 Football League re Pensions 48.15.0 Wages 801.14.1 Cash Disbursements 181.14.2 Bank Balance £10,096.17.2 Dr. Staff Car It was reported that in view of the 8 Rationing of Petrol the staff car would not be purchased until the petrol position had eased. 15, Blenheim Ave. It was agreed to accept a minimum 9 price of £1800.0.0 for this house. Budget The Secretary was instructed to prepare a Budget as soon as possible. Report of The report of recommendation as Finance Comm. presented by Mr. Sharp was approved. (Copy annexed). It was agreed that an announcement to the press regarding the increased prices of admission be made by Mr. Sharp & the Secretary. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Sheffield Wed., the 2nd Team Game v Stoke City Res.