
		1 Earls Close. Mr. Askham dissented.
		The purchase was left to Mr. Miklesfield,
		and details of use etc. was left to Mr.
		Nuttall & the Secretary.

15 Blenheim Ave.	It was agreed to dispose of
		this house which was now empty, and
		the Secretary was authorised to make
		enquiries in the matter.

Arsenal F. C.		A letter of thanks was read
		from Arsenal F. C.

NORRIS GREEN O. A. P. A	An appeal from the Norris Green
		Old Age Pensioners Ass. for a donation was
		not granted, and a request from the
LEAGUE OF WELLDOERS League of Welldores for permission to take
		a collection was not granted.

Director Away		To Stoke:- Mr. E. Green.

Next Meeting		Tuesday Nov. 27th at 4.30 p.m.

				Confirmed as correct.

					R. E. Searle
