									{1st Dec.}


		Present:- Mr. J. C. Sharp (Chair) and Messrs. N. W.
			  Coffey, T. C. Nuttall and C. E. Balmforth,
			  together with the Secretary.


Admission	That as and from 1st December 1956 the admission prices 
Prices.		to the Paddock be increased to 3/- and the Stands to 4/6
		and 5/-. On the basis of the average attendance for the
		current season, this would produce an additional £347 per
		match, giving a total of £4,164 for the remaining twelve
		League games.

Programme	Offers were considered from advertising contractors for
Advertising.	the advertising rights of our programme.
		In view of the fact that the advertisements yielded more
		than was offered, and to keep full control over the
		advertisements, it was agreed to recommend that this be
		not accepted.

Economies.	The Committee considered ways of effecting economies and
		recommended that the Players Sub-Committee endeavour to
		dispose of as many unwanted players as soon as practicable.
		It is suggested that the Maintenance Committee reduce the
		number of staff as soon as practicable, after the immediate
		necessary work in hand has been completed.

Petty Cash.	The Finance Committee wish to draw the attention of the
		Board to the fact that the weekly item of expenditure
		called "Petty Cash" is a misnomer and that it is, in
		fact, a general term for cash disbursements during the
		week, and the amount of the cash drawn each week is to
		restore the cash float to £250. All vouchers are initialed
		by the Chairman of the appropriate Committee and subsequently
		examined by the Finance Committee.

		*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Carpet.		Approval was given for the old carpet from the Secretary's
		Office to be cut into two and used in the two outer offices.

Advertising.	It was agreed to advertise in the new City Guides to be
		erected at five points in the city, at a cost of £15 per
		annum for a minimum period of three years.

						R. E. Searle