[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Tuesday Nov. 20th 1956.]
Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and
all other Directors except Mr. J. C. Sharp,
who tendered his apologies. Secretary in
Minutes of Meeting of Nov. 13th were
read and confirmed.
Finance Receipts reported were:-
Gate v Chesterfield Res. 100.18.6
J. Lindsay Rent 28.15.0
Cheques were signed for:-
Customs v Excise 1.11.6
Wages 802.12.7
Petty Cash 161. 0.0
Gatemans Float 50. 0.0
Bank Balance £8646.2.6 Dr.
Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team
v Newcastle Utd., the 2nd Team game v
Chesterfield Res. and the youth game v Bolton
J. Payne It was reported that Payne had
played in the "A" Team last Saturday, and
showed promise of complete recovery.
F. MC KAY It was reported that two Scottish
J. DONALD players of Bathgate Thistle, F. Mc Kay and
J. Donald were down on trial.
Golf It was reported that the players
5 Golf days would not exceed two per month
and would be limited to one when possible.
Garages It was reported that T. E. Jones
and D. Donovan had requested that Garages
be provided for them.
Transfer List It was agreed that the List of