Report regarding release of several professional members of Everton F. C., playing staff by I. C. Buchan. 13th November 1956. In accordance with the request made by the Directorate of this club, I present below a list of professional staff which I think our club could dispense with. B. W. Caldwell or J. O'Neill Goalkeeper K. Heyes Full Back E. Moore Full Back S. Billington Centre Half C. Fitzsimmons Right Half J. W. Gregory Centre Forward E. M. Loader Inside Forward C. J. Vizard Inside Forward J. Glazzard Centre Forward This would then make our total of professional playing staff 54 - 9 = 45 comprised as follows. Full Time 27) Part Time 11) 38 Services 7 __ Total 45 __ You will, no doubt, see that this list differs in some respects from the one which I originally presented. This is due, in the main, to the fact that two of our oldest serving players have proved by virtue of their performances, that their loss of form was only temporary, and on current form cannot be displaced, however, it is with grave concern that I draw your attention to three positions in our senior side:- Left Half, Inside Left, and Outside Left. The present holders of these positions are approaching the end of their senior career, and it has been undisputably proved already this season that our younger deputies are, at the moment, not good enough to command a regular place in the senior side, and I put it to you, that if at the end of this season I am still convinced that our young deputies are not good enough, then our open-to-transfer lists should be considerable, and we attempt to engage deputies for these critical positions. I should also like to bring to your notice the position of Woods our reserve Centre Half, who as you know wishes to leave our club. I appreciate your position in not wishing to retain a dissatisfied player, but I do urge you to secure another experienced Centre Half with the transfer fee we receive for Woods, because were Tom Jones unavailable for selection due to any cause and Woods were transferred, our next choice is Billington, who is getting very poor reports on his 'A' team performances. I think if our policy upon this matter is made clear now it will greatly facilitate matters should the emergency arise.