2 gone into hospital for a cartilage operation. MC NAMARA A. It was reported that McNamara had requested that his name be taken off the open to transfer list. Glazzard J. It was reported that Bradford P. A. had made an offer of £2,500.0.0 for Glazzard but after an interview with the Bradford Manager the player had decided not to go. Bury F. C. A letter was read from Bury F. C. asking for deferment of the payment of outstanding transfer fees. They suggested paying £500 in January & February, and the balance next season. It was agreed that Mr. Nuttall contact their Chairman and arrange for a speedier settlement if possible. CUP-TIE TKTS. It was agreed that Mr. Nuttall & Secy. prepare a suggested list of allocation of Cup-tie tickets for home games, and the number to be printed, for discussion in the near future. PRICES OF It was agreed that the ADMISSION Finance Committee be asked to re-consider the prices of admission at their next meeting. RE-RATION A letter was read from Mr. Isaac Dixon reporting the present position on the negotiations concerning Football grounds. THE AUTUMN CLUB Appeals for donations were considered from the Autumn Club, and the Sick & Orphan SICK & ORPHAN KIDDIES Kiddies Christmas Treat Fund, and were not XMAS TREAT FUND granted. LEYLAND H. K. A letter of thanks was read from H. Leyland. BAR It was resolved that the Bar should be closed 30 minutes after the end of each game.