
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday Nov. 6th 1956]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair)
		and all other Directors.
			Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Oct. 30th
		were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Rochdale F. C. re Transfers	500.0.0
		Programme Adverts.		213.0.0
		Gate v Newcastle Res.		134.15.0.
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Directors Expenses		135.13.0
		Customs & Excise		  2. 6.6
		Wages				791. 7.1
		Petty Cash			157.15.5.
			Cheques signed during the week were:-
		Y. J. Eglington Benefit less tax 502.9.3
		Welsh Football League.		   5.0.0.
			Bank Balance £8701.5.1 Dr.

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st
		Team game v West Brom. A. and of the
		2nd Team game v Newcastle Res.

Foulkes (Chester)	Mr. Sharp gave this O. R. a good
		report who appeared a class player. It was
		reported that Chester were not willing to
		part, but they would like the services
		of A. Farrall.

Players			It was resolved that the Chief
		Coach should on Tuesday next, furnish
		each Director with a list of the players
		he recommends can be parted with.
			It was reported that Loader had