302 were agreeable to play our Annual Fixture on March 2nd. PRACTICE The suggested allocation of the Practice MATCH RECEIPTS Match receipts proposed by the Finance Comm. 299 was approved. HUSBAND & Co. A letter was read from Messrs Husband & Co. stating that an inspection of the Floodlighting Towers would be made on Sept. 16th. FLOODLIT MATCH It was agreed to charge 6/- & 5/- for 294 {STAND} reserved tickets for the Floodlit Match v Liverpool. T. E. JONES It was agreed that T. E. Jones be 284 given permission to write for Charles Buchan Monthly. SHAREHOLDERS It was agreed to send a letter to all STAND Shareholders warning them that if the 276 practice of giving Lady's tickets to Children continued, it would be necessary to replace the wire barrier at the side of their section to prevent them from climbing into other sections of the Stand and causing damage. TRANSFER The following were approved:- OF SHARES SHARES NOD. 2395 & 2086 from Exors James Raw to Joseph Lashi Harry Raw. SHARE NO. 1218 FROM EXORS T. C. NUTTALL TO GODFREY ARTHUR BREW. " 1020 FROM EXORS T. C. NUTTALL TO ARTHUR WM. BREW. " 864 FROM EXORS T. C. NUTTALL TO ANTHONY JAMES BREW. DIRECTORS AWAY To Bolton Res.:- Messrs F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp & J. Taylor. To Sheffield Wed. Res.:- Mr. J. Taylor. NEXT MEETING Tuesday Sept. 8th at 5p.m. Confirmed as correct. F. Micklesfield. CHAIRMAN.