Reports from Reviews Committee:- J. C. Sharp, Finance Committee. Functions of F. C. F. Micklesfield, Floodlighting Committee. Reported on Progress of Installation of Floodlighting. Mr. Balmforth read, Mr. Nuttall's report of the players. Sub. Committee. Many promising young players signed both Pro. & Amateur. Mr. Balmforth paid tribute to Mr. Nuttall for the work he had done during the past year. C. H. Askham. ? the magic items of maintenance done & the cost during the past. Mr. ? spoke of good work during the inspection by shareholders recently. Sawyer should maintain team for improvement in J. H. Stand. THANKED COLLEAGUES for Co-operation. QUESTIONS MACAULEY. BERGIN ENRIGHT. ? OLD AGE PENSIONS TO JEE GROUND. BARTON.