79th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1958. 1. SECRETARY READS NOTICE CONVENING MEETING. 2. ADMISSION OF PRESS. 3. DEATHS OF MR GREEN AND MR NUTTALL. 4. MOVE THAT THE ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET, TOGETHERWITH THE DIRECTORS REPORT AND THE REPORT OF THE AUDITORS, HAVING BEEN CIRCULATED BE TAKEN AS READ, AND ASK IF THE MEETING AGREES. AFTER THIS HAS BEEN AGREED TO, MOVE THAT THE BALANCE SHEET AND ACCOUNTS AND REPORT BE ADOPTED AND ASK FOR THIS TO BE SECONDED ...................... AFTER THIS HAS BEEN DONE ASK CHAIRMAN OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE TO GIVE A REPORT ON THE & MAINTENANCE SEASONS WORKING AND THEN ASK FOR QUESTIONS ON THE ACCOUNTS. COMM. AFTER THESE HAVE BEEN ANSWERED PUT THE PROPOSITION TO THE MEETING THAT THE ACCOUNTS AND BALANCE SHEET BE ADOPTED. 5. Mr................ proposes that a dividend of 5% free of tax be paid on the paid up capital of the Company, and asks for this to be seconded by...................., and then put it to the meeting. 6. Remuneration of Auditors. Move that the remuneration of the Auditors for the ensuing year shall be increased to £....... and ask for this to be seconded .................. and then put it to the Meeting. * 7. If it is proposed that the two retiring Directors be re-elected without being balloted for this must be agreed to unanimously and then they must be proposed separately and agreed to separately by the meeting. In this case this would then leave two vacancies and the Shareholders should be told to cross out the names of Mr. Sharp and Mr. Askham on the Ballot papers and to vote for the two candidates they wish to support. 8. Reports of Maintenance Committee and Playing Committee and and any other questions whilst the votes are being counted. 9. Vote of Thanks - Proposed ................................. Seconded ................................. Report that a poll has been demanded. * 7. Election of Directors. / Appoint scrutineers, suggest two nominated by the Directors and two from the body of the Hall. Chairman reports that there are three vacancies by rotation, each for a period of three years, and an additional vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Nuttall who was not due to retire until 1960 which it is proposed to fill at this meeting for the remaining term of office; namely 2 years, (Add see below) Ballot papers bearing the names of the candidates have been distributed and each Shareholder should place a cross against the names of the four candidates he wishes to vote for. Of the new directors elected, the one polling the lowest number of votes will be elected for the period of two years. {* TYPE SEPERATELY} x and that there are six candidates.