
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday 1st Sept. 1959]

			Present:- Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chair)
		and all other Directors except Mr. Balmforth
		who tendered his apologies. Manager & Secretary
		in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Aug. 24th were
		read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Sale 27 Croftson Ave.			  1579.11.9
		Burnley F. C. %				   494. 8.6
		Gate v Wolves Res.			    91. 3.9
		Season Tkt. Sales to date		16,475. 1.0
		Accrington Stanley re Keeley		   500. 0.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Directors Expenses			    98. 4.6
		Wages					   830. 0.5
		Cash Disbursements			    69.19.4
		W. H. Cooke Xes.			    66.18.0
			Bank Balance £23,303.5.0 Dr.

Reports			Reports were given of the 1st Team game
		v Bolton W. and of the 2nd Team game v Wolves Res.
			It was reported that Bramwell had
		pulled a thigh muscle and was not yet fit to
		play, and Laverick was fit for light training.

McCLELLAND O. R.	Mr. Carey reported his trip to Lincoln
MIDDLETON R. H.	last Saturday with the Chairman. McClelland
(LINCOLN CITY)	had not enough craft, but Middleton was
		quite a useful player.

REID			The Chief Scout had watched Reid last
(BRADFORD CITY)	Saturday playing for Bradford City Res., and
	206	Mr. Carey reported that he had made an offer
		of £7,500.0.0 for this player.

ARMY F. A.		It was reported that the Army F. A.