300 of the Floodlighting Towers. PRO. F. GOLF It was agreed to donate Twenty pounds to CHAMPIONSHIP the Professional Footballers Golf Championship. 207 MORRIS DANCERS An offer of a display of Morris Dancing on Sept. 2nd was not accepted. SCOTTISH HIGHLAND It was agreed to accept an offer of the BAND Queens Own Cameron Highlanders Band to play at one of our Home games. LIGHTING It was reported that the City Lighting Engineer was to instal additional Street Lighting by affixing lights to the Premises. I. C. BUCHAN It was reported that the valuation for 284 1, Earls Close was £2,350.0.0 and it was agreed to offer the House to Mr. Buchan at this figure. EVERTON CAGE BIRD A request from this organisation for the SOCIETY presentation of a Cup or Trophy was not granted. STAND HEATING A letter was read from F. K. Smith Ltd. suggesting consideration of Infra-Red Heating for the Stands. TRANSFER OF The following were approved:- SHARES SHARES NOD. 848-850 FROM EXIX James Nolan to Margaret Pearson. SHARES NOD. 54 TO 56 from Exix Ernest Edwards to Emily Winnie Edwards. L'POOL POLICE It was agreed to Loan 10 Track Suits to the Police Swimming Team who had qualified for the Finals at Cardiff. LANCS. F. A. MTG. Mr. Sharp reported on the Meeting of the Clubs in the Lancashire Senior Cup. DIRECTORS AWAY To Burnley:- Messrs F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp, C. H. Askham & E. Holland Hughes. TO BOLTON:- Messrs F. Micklesfield, J. C. Sharp, N. W. Coffey, R. A. Joynson, R. E. Searle & E. Holland Hughes. NEXT MEETING Tuesday Sept. 1st at 5 p.m. F. Micklesfield CHAIRMAN.