
		Dictatorial, meeting told

		PROTESTS that "dictatorial directors" had robbed the
		   shareholders of their customary stand seats and
		removed them to a place "near the boys' pen" were made
		by shareholders at the annual meeting of Everton Football
		Club last evening.

		 This was the biggest bone		future he would be sitting.
		of contention at the meeting,		 He asked whether it was a
		which lasted an hour and a		mistake or a calculated insult.
		half.					 The chairman: "I think it
		 Mr. R. E. Searle (chairman)		was a mistake. We all apologies
		presided.				to you. It will not happen
		 The meeting was only two		again."
		minutes old when a note of		 The member: "If it does
		protest was heard.			happen again we shall finish
		 Mr. Searle had opened by		up in the boys' pen."
		saying that they were all look-		 After some heated exchanges,
		ing forward to next season in		the chairman said, "I disagree
		the finest ground in the country	with you about dictatorial
		and had paid a compliment to		directors. I have apologised
		the ground staff, when a Mr.		for a mistake. We might con-
		Gregg said it was most dis-		sider the whole thing again
		appointing to read from the		during the close season and I
		balance sheet of a reduction of		cannot go any further than
		£1,600 from the sale of season		that to-night."
		tickets. Was this not due to		 Mr. W. M. Tickle said: "May
		the increase in the price of		I propose we all accept the
		tickets and the law of dimin-		chairman's promise."
		ishing returns working against		 Mr. Barton seconded and the
		the club, he asked.			chairman added: "And I will
							support it."
		      £5,900 for scouts			 Mr. W. Dickinson (secretary of
		 Another shareholders pointed		the club) said last year they
		out that there was an item of		had 449 applications for the
		£5,954 for scouting expenses.		north-end stand and 552 for the
		Was the club getting the full		members' stand, a total of 1,001.
		benefit from this expenditure,		 Up to a corresponding date
		he asked. The reason he asked		this year, there had been 430
		was because he had recom-		six-guinea applications, and 960
		mended a boy to Everton who		seven-guinea applications, a
		had now been signed by			total of 1,390, a net increase of
		Arsenal. It was true that this		389 and £3,995 in cash over
		had happened before the arrival		last year's figure.
		of Mr. John Carey as manager		 The member: "That is satis-
		and he did not think it was fair	factory and I am sure the
		that he should be saddled with		shareholders will be pleased to
		the blame for it.			hear it."
		 The chairman said that he		 Mr. Dickinson said the seating
		himself had recommended one		capacity of the new share-
		or two players but they had		holders' stand was 951, with a
		found their way to other places.	value of about £300, exclusively
		 "We could have got one or		for shareholders.
		two players," he said, "but we
		are not prepared to pay under			No money to
		the table."					buy players
		 In answer to another question,		 The chairman said the club
		the chairman said their bank		had no money. Otherwise they
		overdraft was £25,000, and they		would not have to borrow.
		had received an interest-free		Without money they could not
		loan of £16,000.			buy players.
							 A shareholder: "This surge
			"Deprived of			of economy comes after spend-
			birthright"			ing thousands of the club's
		 Mr. Colin Askham, a member		money in making yourselves
		of the board, proposed that the		comfortable. You took a lot of
		club pay a 5 per cent dividend		seats which were bringing
		free of tax, but before this was	revenue into the club into the
		carried a member said:-			directors' box and you suddenly
		 "I propose that the amount be		decided that the shareholders
		used to provide centre stand		should be moved."
		seats for shareholders who have		 Mr. Searle, Mr. F. Micklesfield
		been deprived of their birthright	and Mr. J. Taylor the retiring
		by dictatorial directors."		directors, were unanimously re-
		 The member went on. "It		elected for three years, no vote
		breaks my heart to think of		being necessary. Mr. D. M.
		directors going to New			McPhail, a fourth nominee, had
		Brighton instead of the			withdrawn because hospital
		Continent and smoking			treatment had left him with no
		cigarettes instead of cigars. I		opportunity of circularising
		never thought there were so		shareholders of his policy.
		many people desiring to take		 Manager John Carey, who
		money out of the Everton club.		was greeted with great enthu-
		 "Therefore I support the		siasm, closed the meeting on a
		proposition."				more harmonious note. He
		 A Mr. Barton said the board,		remarked that it was encourag-
		without asking the share-		ing to find so many people with
		holders for their advice, altered	the welfare of the club at heart.
		the arrangements for seating
		accommodation in the stands.			29 full-time
		 "It was an underhanded way			professionals
		to go about it," he said, and		 Mr. Carey said Everton now
		added that he and others were		had thirty-four professional
		prepared to pay the difference		players, twenty-nine of whom
		between the cost of their own		were full-time.
		ticket and that asked under the		 It must have noted in
		new arrangement.			the balance sheet there was a
		 They felt it was a great		deficit of £35,000 on the item-
		slight upon them and they did		transfer fees.
		not hear about it until a fort-		 No club could afford to buy
		night after the ordinary mem-		all the first class players it
		bers, by which time it was too		needed, but he added, "I am
		late.					happy about the outlook at
		 The chairman said that Mr.		Goodison Park. I think many of
		W. Dickinson, the secretary,		the young boys who are un-
		had a block of seats in reserve		heard of at the moment will be
		for members and shareholders.		coming to the forefront.
		 Mr. Parry said it might have		Perhaps not immediately but as
		been more in keeping with the		soon as we can possibly get
		traditional dignity of the club		them there. I am not suggest-
		if they had been informed		ing you have to wait two or
		before the season-ticket holders.	three years before we have a
		 He personally had found		good team.
		himself in an embarrassing		 "The time to have a good
		situation by being told by a		team is now. I shall do all I
		non-shareholder where in		can to bring that about."