[MINUTES OF 79TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Election of Directors THE HELD AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, The Secretary, on behalf of the Chairman, declared OLD HALL STREET, LIVERPOOL, ON THURS- that under Company Law there would have to be a Everton Football Club DAY, 19th JUNE, 1958.] show of hands before a poll could be demanded, and there were six candidates for four vacancies. Mr. P. L. COMPANY LIMITED Present: Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and Messrs J. C. Parry questioned the eligibility of Mr. E. Holland Sharp, N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfied, Hughes to stand as a candidate under the Rules of the C. H. Askham, and J. Taylor Directors, and 132 Football Association, and the Meeting was assured Shareholders, together with the Secretary and Mr. W. that a letter had been received from the Football H. Robinson, Solicitor, and Mr. G. H. Bowler, Auditor. Association stating that they had no objection to his appointment as a Director, in view of the fact that he Notice had resigned his position as Secretary of the Pool The Notice convening the Meeting was read by the Promoters Association. Mr. W. C. Macaulay contended NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Secretary. that the nomination was not in order as Mr. Holland Annual General Meeting of the Company Hughes held that position on the day he was nomina- will be held at The Chamber of Commerce. Press tioned, but the Chairman declared that this was not 1 Old Hall Street, Liverpool 3, on Thursday, The members of the Press were admitted with the relevant and that the nomination was in order. the 18th day of June, 1959, at 7.0 p.m. to approval of the Meeting. The name of each candidate was called out in turn, receive and consider the Report of the and a show of hands taken in respect of each one. Directors and the Accounts for the period Mr. E. Green and Mr. T. C. Nuttall The Chairman, holding 166 proxies, then demanded a ended 2nd May, 1959, to authorise the The Chairman referred to the loss sustained by the poll, and this was supported by Messrs J. C. Sharp, payment of Dividend, to elect Directors, to Club in the deaths of two Directors during the past N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield, fix the remuneration of the Auditors for the year, Messrs E. Green and T. C. Nuttall, and the C. H. Askham and J. Taylor. The Chairman declared ensuing year, and to transact any other Meeting stood in silence for a few moments as a token that the poll be taken forthwith by means of a ballot business which may be transacted at the of respect. and Messrs. B. Evans, W. H. Sawyer, J. H. Hinton and Ordinary General Meeting of the Company. T. W. Tickle were appointed scrutineers. Directors' Report and Balance Sheet Ballot papers bearing the names of the six candidates By Order of the Board, It was agreed that the Accounts and Balance Sheet, having been distributed, the members were instructed W. DICKINSON, together with the Directors' Report and the Report to place a cross opposite the names of the candidates Secretary. of the Auditors thereon, having been circulated, be they wished to support, not exceeding four. The three taken as read. Mr. T. Parker proposed that the Balance candidates polling the highest number of votes would Admission on presentation of Balance Sheet. Sheet and reports be adopted, and this was seconded by be elected for a period of three years, and the candidate Mr. G. H. Garner. Mr. Askham, Chairman of the with the next highest number of votes would be elected GOODISON PARK, Finance and Maintenance Committees, then gave for the two year period vacant by the death of Mr. LIVERPOOL. a report of the work of both these Committees, and after T. C. Nuttall. questions by Messrs V. G. Winfield, J. H. Hinton, The result of the Ballot was as follows:- 23rd May, 1959. W. C. Macaulay and G. H. Garner had been answered Mr. J. C. Sharp ... ... 1,249 votes the proposition was duly carried. Mr. C. H. Askham ... ... 1,242 votes Notice is also given that a Member of the Mr. R. A. Joynson ... ... ... 1,235 votes Company entitled to attend and vote at the above Dividend Mr. E. Holland Hughes ... ... 1,195 votes Annual General Meeting, is entitled to appoint a Mr. C. H. Askham proposed that a dividend of 5%, Mr. W. Birch ... ... ... 400 votes proxy to attend and vote instead of him, and that free of tax, be paid and this was seconded by Mr. W. H. Mr. D. M. McPhail ... ... 395 votes the proxy need not be a member of the Company. Sawyer. Mr. W. C. Macaulay proposed an amendment The Chairman declared that Messrs. J. C. Sharp, that no dividend be paid and this was seconded by C. H. Askham and R. A. Joynson were elected Directors Proxies must be lodged at the Registered Office of Mr. T. W. Tickle. On a show of hands the Chairman for a period of 3 years, and Mr. E. Holland Hughes the Company, not less than 48 hours before the time declared the amendment carried and the proposition for a period of 2 years, and the four successful candidates of the Meeting. lost. thanked the Shareholders for their support. Reports were given by Mr. Balmforth on behalf of Remuneration of Auditors the Chairman of the Playing Committee, and by Mr. C. E. Balmforth proposed that the remuneration Mr. Micklesfield, Chairman of the Floodlighting of the Auditors for the ensuing year be increased to Committee, and questions by Messrs W. C. Macaulay, £250. This was seconded by Mr. W. H. Sawyer and D. G. Stephenson, W. Allan, A. E. Noble and J. P. duly carried. Blacoe were answered. The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman and Directors.