													The Everton Football Club Company Limited

													For the Period 4th May, 1958 to 2nd May, 1959

							EXPENDITURE															INCOME
	3rd May, 1958												2nd May, 1959		3rd May, 1958											  2nd May, 1959
	     £   s. d.												     £  s.  d.		     £   s. d.										£  s. d.      £   s.  d.
	  24,474  2  0	To Players Wages and Bonuses  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	27,033   7  6		  94,882 13  6	By Gross Gate Receipts League	...   ...   ...   ...   ...  	   100,638  4  5
	   6,620  0  0	"  Players' Benefits 	...   ...   ...	  ...	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	 6,905	 1  6		  42,607  6  2	"  Receipts from Cup Ties and Other Matches ...   ...   ...	    41,525  2  6
	      —   	"  Players' Transfer Fees ... ...   ...   ...	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	35,350   0  0		  12,131  4 11	"  Percentage from League Clubs	...   ...   ...   ...   ...	    10,700  6 11
	     741 11  4	"  Medical Fees	...	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	   692   3  2		  18,087 17  0	"  Sales of Season Tickets	...   ...   ...   ...   ...	    16,512  1  2
	   6,639 16  1	"  Training Expenses	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	 6,302  15  5		---------------									 ----------------  169,375 15  0
	   1,528  5 11	"  Players' Requisites	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	   422  16  4		 167,709  1  7
	  13,967 16  9	"  Travelling and Match Expenses    ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	 13,273 12  2		  13,450  0  0	"  Players' Transfer Fees ...	...   ...   ...   ...   ...	...	...   ...	—
	     —		"  Scouting Expenses	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  5,954  5  7		       4  0  0	"  Share Transfer Fees	  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	...	...   ...	 4 15  0
	   2,303 17  6	"  Advertising, Printing and Stationery	  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  1,992 18  8		     937  3  6	"  Sublets, Programmes, etc.	...   ...   ...   ...   ...	...	...   ...    2,029  5  5
	   5,924 10  5	"  Gate Expenses	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  6,711 15  8		       —	"  Excess of expenditure over Income  ...   ...   ...   ...	...	...   ...   16,712  7  6
	  22,332  4  8	"  Gate Division to Visitors  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	 20,998 10  7
	   6,318 16  5	"  Gate Percentages to League and Associations	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  5,057  0  2
	  10,753  3  3	"  Associations and Visiting Clubs Share of Cup Ties  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	 13,921 19  1
	  25,199 11 11	"  Ground Expenses and Maintenance  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	 16,024  7  0
	   1,038 16  7	"  National Insurances	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  1,365 18  0
	     923 16  3	"  Staff Pension Scheme ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	    917 19  2
	     352 15  0	"  Rent	...	...	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	    328  8  0
	   6,923  0 11	"  Rates and Water	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  9,895  0  3
	   1,262  0  0	"  Income Tax Schedule "A" and "B"  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  1,266 10  0
	   2,755 15  5	"  Lighting and Heating	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  2,119 13  0
	     696  1  8	"  Telephone	...	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	    847 12  3
	   1,171 14 10	"  Insurance: General	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  1,846 10  3
	   4,197 10  8	"  Office and Management Expenses   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  5,223  1  8
	     339 16  6	"  Bank Charges	...	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  1,537 15  1
	     334 12  3	"  Legal Costs and Accountancy	    ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	    374  2  5
	     178  0  0	"  Pensions ...	...	...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	    159  0  0
	      —		"  Compensation for Loss of Office  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	  1,600  0  0
	 146,977 16  4
	  35,122  8  9	"  Excess of Income over Expenditure ...  ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...	...
	--------------											       --------------		----------------										   ---------------
	£182,100  5  1											       £188,122  2 11		£182,100  5  1											   £188,122  2 11
	==============											       ==============		================										   ===============


														            TO 2nd MAY, 1959

	3rd May, 1958												2nd May, 1959		3rd May, 1958											    2nd May, 1959
	     £   s. d.										      £   s. d.	     £   s. d.		     £   s. d.										£   s. d.        £   s. d.
			To Depreciation written off											  38,208 17  2	By Balance Surplus at 4th May, 1958	...  ...  ...  ...  ...	    55,911 18  4
			     Amplifying Equipment ...   ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ... 	      200  0  0						   Add Dividend for 1958 not passed at A. G. M.	  ...  ...  ...		97  7  6
			     Floodlighting Installation	...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	     4600  0  4														   -------------     56,009   5 10
			     Soilwarming Installation	...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	    1,171  9  3				   1,568 12  6	"  Income from Property	...	...	...  ...  ...  ...  ...	   ...   ...		850   0  1
			     Property	...	...	...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	    1,980  0  0				     163 10  0	"  Bank Interest Deposit Account...	...  ...  ...  ...  ...    ...   ...		 13  10  6
												---------------	  7,951  9  7		  35,122  8  9	" Excess of Income over Expenditure	...  ...  ...  ...  ...    ...   ...		     —

	 6,822 12  5
			"  Provision for Dividend at 5%
	    97  7  6	"    Free of Tax to 2nd May, 1959	...    ...    ...    ...    ...     ...	             97	  7  6				  Estimated Tax Refund on Loss for year      ...  ...  ...  ...      6,400  0  0
	   243 10  2	"  Interest on Floodlighting: Gross     ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	    ...	            669  13  4				  Add over-period 1958	...	...	...  ...  ...  ...  ...	     3,700  0  0
		—	"  Excess of Expenditure over Income    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	    ...		 16,712   7  6												   -------------     10,100   0   0
	55,911	18  4	"  Balance carried forward	...     ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	    ...		 41,541  18  6
	-------------												---------------		 ---------------										   ----------------
	£75,063  8  5												£66,972  16  5		  £75,063 8  5											   £66,972   16   5
	=============												===============		 ===============										   ================

													BALANCE SHEET AS AT 2nd MAY, 1959

	3rd May, 1958												2nd May, 1959		3rd May, 1958											    2nd May, 1959
	     £   s. d.										      £   s. d.	     £   s. d.		     £   s. d.										£   s. d.	 £   s. d.
			Capital and Reserves														FIXED ASSETS
	   2,500  0  0	  Capital: Nominal: £2,500 Shares of £1 each   ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	   2,500  0  0				  Freehold Land, including Property at Cost as per last Balance Sheet  ...  ...  ...  50,106  1 11
	==============												==============				  Additions during year	...	...	...	...	...	...    ...  ...  ...   7,887 17  6
			Capital Issued																									   ---------------
			  2,210 Shares Issued and Allotted on which 15/- per Share has been called																	      57,993 19  5
			      up and paid	...	...	...    ...    ...    ...    ...     1,657 10  0						  Less: Amount written off ...	...	...	...	...	...    ...  ...  ...   3,960  3  8
			    290 Bonus Shares Issued and Allotted to Old Members      ...    ...	      290  0  0	   															   ---------------
	   1,947 10  0										---------------	   1,947 10  0		 48,125 18  3											      54,033 15  9
			Reserves and Undistributed Profits												  Stands, Hoardings and Erections, etc.,
	  55,911 18  4	    Profit and Loss Appropriation Account  ...   ...  ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	  41,541 18  6				      at Goodison Park, Book Value at 1st May, 1948 ...	...	...  18,225  0  0
	--------------																	  Less: Depreciation written off  ...	...	...	...	...  10,381  0  0
	  57,859  8  4															  7,844  0  0									  ---------------      7,844  0  0
			CURRENT LIABILITIES														  Amplifying Equipment at Cost	...	...	...	...	...   1,349 11  6
	  37,857  5 11	    Trade and Sundry Creditors	...     ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    20,597  6  6				    200  0  0	  Less: Depreciation written off  ...	...	...	...	...   1,349 11  6
		  —	    Bank Advance and Loans      ...     ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	   41,437  4  2														  ---------------	      —
	     133  1  5	    Unclaimed Dividends ...     ...     ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	      133  1  5						  Floodlighting Installations at Cost	...	...	...	...  46,375  8  9
	     771 14  0	    Current Taxation    ...     ...     ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	    3,017 14  6						  Less: Adjustment of cost	...	...	...	...	...     352 19  8
	      97  7  6	    Dividend for year to 2/5/59 ...     ...    ...    ...    ...    ...	       97  7  6														  ---------------
												---------------	  65,282 14  1												     46,022  9  1
			DEFERRED LIABILITIES														  Less: Amount written off ...	...	...	...	...	...   9,242  9  1
	  12,400  0  0	    Provision for Future Taxation	...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...    ...		  —		 41,733  0  0									  ---------------     36,780  0  0
																			  Soilwarming Installation at Cost	...	...	...	...   8,200  4  9
																		 —	  Less: Written off	...	...	...	...	...	...   1,171  9  3
																			  								  ---------------      7,028 15  6
																	-------------											   ---------------
																	 97,902 18  3											     105,686 11  3
																			CURRENT ASSETS
																	  4,055  1  0	  Sundry Debtors	...	...	...	...	...	...   2,772  0  0
																	      8  0  0	  Sundry Deposits	...	...	...	...	...	...       8  0  0
																	    133  1  5	  Midland Bank Dividend Account	...	...	...	...	...     133  1  5
																	  6,939 17 11	  Midland Bank Current Account	...	...	...	...	...          —
																	     79 18  7	  Cash in Hand	...	...	...	...	...	...	...     172  9 11
																			  								  ---------------      3,085 11  4
	--------------												--------------	       --------------											   ----------------
	£109,118 17  2												£108,772  2  7	       £109,118 17  2											    £108,772  2  7
	==============												==============	       ==============										  	   ================

		 Signed on behalf of the Board,

					  R. E. SEARLE}
					  C. H. ASKHAM}																				W. DICKINSON, Secretary.
		We have obtained all the information which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our Audit. In our opinion proper Books of Account have been kept by the Company so far as appears from our examination
	of those Books. We have examined the above Balance Sheet and annexed Profit and Loss Account which are in agreement with the Books of Account. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given us, the
	said Account gives the information required by the Companies' Act, 1948, in the manner so required, and the Balance Sheet gives a true and fair view of the state of the Company's affairs at 2nd May, 1959 and the Profit and Loss Account gives a
	true and fair view of the Loss for the year ended on that date.
																							   Signed ROGERS, BOWLER RUSHWORTH SMITH & CO.
	19th May, 1959																						  Chartered Accountants, Liverpool 2.