286 last year. This was seconded by Mr. S. I. Heller and duly carried. ELECTION OF It was reported that Mr. D. McPhail DIRECTORS had withdrawn his nomination, leaving the three retiring Directors as candidates for three vacancies. It was agreed unanimously that a single resolution be put to the Meeting for the re-election of the three retiring Directors. The Chairman then proposed that the three retiring Directors Messrs R. E. Searle, F. Micklesfield and J. Taylor be re-elected for a further period of 3 years. This was seconded by Mr. F. Smith and duly carried. The Chairman, on behalf of himself and his colleagues thanked the Shareholders for their support. SHAREHOLDERS Criticisms of the action of the Directors in STAND moving the position of the Shareholders Stand were made and questions by Messrs G. H. Garner, S. Isenwater, P. L. Parry, J. H. Hunter, W. C. Macauley, J. Brightman & D. G. Stephenson were answered. A motion by Mr. W. Tickle seconded by Mr. G. F. Barton for the matter to be reconsidered was accepted by the Chairman who gave an assurance that the matter would be reviewed. Players The Manager, Mr. J. J. Carey gave a Report report of the playing side and his hopes for the coming season, and the Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Manager for his report. Confirmed as correct. F. Micklesfield CHAIRMAN.