284 next season. I. C. Buchan A request for an extension of his 265 tenancy at an economic rent, and a suggestion that he may be willing to purchase the property, at a later date was considered. It was agreed to offer him an extension from Aug. 31st 1959 to Dec. 31st 1959 at a rent of £3.10.0 per week, and in the meantime to have the house valued. T. E. Jones It was reported that this player had 281 agreed to purchase the house he occupied for the sum of £1900.0.0. T. J. SMITH & SON It was reported that the Clubs Solicitor. Mr. W. H. Robinson was ill in Hospital SOLICITORS and would be unable to attend the A. G. M. as they had nobody available to deputise they had intimated that they would not object if the Club wished to transfer the business elsewhere. Under these circumstances it was NORTH KIRK & CO. unanimously resolved to invite Messrs North Kirk & Co. to act as Solicitors to the Company. CUSHION HIRE A request from Mr. C. Greenall for SERVICE an agreement for the concession of a 145 Cushion Hire Service was considered. It was agreed to offer him an agreement for 3 years for a payment equal to 15% of his gross profit for each year. APPEALS Appeals for the Jeff Hall Fund, Wallasey Boys Club and the British Transport Police were let lie. NEXT MEETING Friday 19th June at 11 a.m. Confirmed as correct. R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN.