281 decided not to go to Bury F. C. but they were arranging to see his parents in an endeavour to change his mind. BLAIN, J. It was reported that J. Blain had 278 been signed as a full time professional player. O'NEILL, J. It was agreed to apply for permission 216 to pay a 2nd benefit of £1000.0.0 which was non due. JONES, T. E. An offer was considered of £1800 237 to purchase the house he occupied by this player. It was agreed to advice him that the price require was £1900.0.0. It was reported that Collins, Parker, O'Hara and Ashworth had not re-signed. In the case of Collins and Parker the difficulties were not of a serious nature and both were expected to re-sign soon. A request by Collins for his rent to be reduced to £1.0.0 per week during the Summer was not favoured. F. L. AGENDA The Agenda for the A. G. M of the 183 Football League was considered and the items to be supported were agreed. SOUTHPORT F. C. It was reported that Southport F. C. 279 were not prepared to purchase 27 Crofton Ave. and it was agreed to ask for the return of the Contract. RATING APPEAL It was reported that the Valuation 279 Officer had asked Mr. Dixon to see him again, and it was agreed to arrange for a joint meeting with Liverpool F. C. after this interview. NOMINATION A nomination was reported received 179 on behalf of Mr. D. M. McPhail for election as a Director at the forthcoming A. G. M.