[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Tuesday May 12th 1959]
Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and
all other Directors except Mr. Hughes who
tendered his apologies. Manager & Secretary in
Minutes of Meeting of Apl. 28th were
read and confirmed.
Finance Receipts reported were:-
Liverpool F. C. % 788.12.1
Season Ticket Sales 1738.16.0
Cheques were signed for:-
British Railways Fares 56. 0.0
Wages, Staff 391. 0.8
Bank Balance £24,606.16.2 Dr.
Tour It was reported that only one match
278 had been played in Spain, as the proposed
game v Barcelona had been cancelled.
Accounts The draft Income and Expenditure a/cs
185 were examined, and it was agreed to show
under separate headings the cost of Scouting
and Trialists, and the payment to Mr. Buchan
for loss of Office. It was agreed to include
the revenue from Floodlit Matches under income
from other Matches, and to write off the
cost of the soil warming installation in equal
amounts over a period of 7 years. It was
agreed to include the loan under the heading
of "Bank Advances and Loan" in the Balance Sheet.
A. G. M. It was agreed that the A. G. M. should
271 be confirmed to a strictly official basis.
DIVIDEND It was agreed to recommend that a
172 dividend of 5% free of tax be paid.
ASHWORTH, A. It was reported that Ashworth had