
LIVERPOOL BOYS		It was reported that Brian Walker
ASSN.		had been signed from A. T. M. Boys Club, and
	214	it was agreed to send them a donation of £5.

RATING APPEAL		A letter was read from Mr. Isaac Dixon
	250	stating the result of his negotiation to date.
		On his advice it was agreed to defer any
		settlement until after the result of the Plymouth
		appeal was known.

SOUTHPORT F. C.		It was reported that the contract
	268	for the purchase of 27 Croftson Ave. had
		not yet been signed but it was hoped
		that this would be done at the week-end.

RETIRING DIRECTORS	It was agreed unanimously, to
	60	support the retiring Directors for re-election
		at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

LOAN			The advisability of repaying the loan
	187	to Mr. J. Moores before the financial year
		end was considered, and it was agreed
		that it was not opportune to do so.

INTERNATIONAL		It was agreed to support any
MATCHES		proposal for all International Matches to be
		played in Mid-Week.

Transfer of		The following were approved:-
Shares		SHARES NOD. 2450 & 396 from the representatives
		of Margaret Harper to Richard David Harper.

Next Meeting		May 12th or May 14th at 5 p.m.

				Confirmed as correct.

					R. E. Searle